About Us

We are Nicolas, Romain and Fabien 👋 🇫🇷 

We arrived in Amsterdam in August 2023 and like everyone else… we struggled… a lot… to find something to rent.

As engineers, we like to solve problems!
This crazy market is a real problem…

So we have developed bots to help us apply as quickly as possible.

And it was a game-changer!

In 3 days, we had too many viewings and we found a lovely flat in Amsterdam West!

Since then, we’ve started helping our friends find accommodation.

And now, 4 months later, we’ve successfully helped dozens of people and saved them months of struggle!

picture of the 3 cofounders of renthunter
Louan picture of a customer of RentHutner

Let RentHunter do the hard work,
find your home faster.


Find your home effortlessly



Find your next home faster with RentHunter

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